I've said it before and it's time for a reminder: It is professional suicide to use poor quality images on your printed materials and online.

By "poor quality" I mean doing what I've seen many creatives do (really truly):  They stand in front of the image they want to capture with their older cell phone, in bad light, with shadows, off to one side, out of focus, and snap a picture.  Ack!!! 

It IS totally okay to take photos with a newer (=good camera) cell phone or you need on-the-fly snapshots for your blog. Just set it up so the camera is stable, and the lighting good (i.e. outside in dappled shade). Do please straighten and crop your images before using them.

Since you sell stuff (you're in business) it's all about presenting yourself the best way possible. I want you to use images that are clear, crisp, and beautiful. 

Think of it this way: Would you want your images displayed at a gallery with no lighting, where they hang your work far below or far above eye level, where they make everyone stand to the side, and view the work from behind dirty tinted glass? Well, that's what you're making them do when you use poor quality images.

Oh, BTW, that IS real art in the image, done by our daughter Dani over 30 years ago. Sorry Dani. I made your wonderful art look bad. Just remember that you're helping other creative people do better. So, thanks!

AuthorRobin Sagara
CategoriesWorking Smart